Enterprise News

Exhibition Report | NKY EASTWIN participated in the E-Trade Biological Industry Conference (EBC) grand occasion

time:2019-03-04 source:EASTWINbrowse:113



2019 (4th) E-Trade Biological Industry Conference (EBC)

The 2019 E-Trade Biological Industry Conference (EBC) held at the Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center, the 9th Antibody Drugs and New Drug Research and Development Summit, the 7th Molecular Diagnostic Industry Summit, the 5th Cellular Immune Industry Summit, and the second Yiqi said that the Investment and Financing Leaders Forum successfully concluded on March 3. The number of participants reached 2,000+. The conference focused on precision medicine, in-depth discussions on the entire industry chain of diagnosis, treatment, and medication, integrating policy orientation, market investment, technology research and development, and clinical applications, and exploring the future development trend of precision medicine in China. Jointly promote the development of the life and health industry.

Eastwin Scientific Equipments Inc., Ltd., as an excellent enterprise that has been deeply involved in the genetic testing and precision medical instrument industry for many years, is highly praised in the design, manufacture, application and service of PCR  (Thermal Cycler). Naturally, the first major event of the year will not be absent. At the exhibition site, EASTWIN brought  star products ETC821PCR , ETC811PCR, and eICE4 electronic ice box, eBL-100 transilluminator, EQ-6K Q cyclone mini centrifuge, eQ162H portable portable Real-time PCR system participated in the EBC industry event as scheduled.



EASTWIN Series Exhibited Products



Let’s take a look at the exciting events of the exhibition.

Grand event


The site of the EBC, whether it is the conference hall or the exhibition gallery, is full of popularity, bustling, and crowded.

Booth scene



At the EASTWIN booth, many new and old customers came to consult and discuss cooperation matters!

The meeting has been successfully concluded, but EASTWIN’s journey is still going on. EASTWIN will not forget its original intention, forge ahead, and strive to provide customers with better medical equipment products, and do its part for China's precision medical industry. Looking forward to 2020, we will see you at the Fifth  E-Trade Biological Industry Conference (EBC)!


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Enterprises Owned by NKY medical group
(Stock Code: 300109)
Focus on Gene Test    Serve for  Precision Medical

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